Repurposing content is a great way to drive more engagement by extending the life of your content. It also saves time and effort, which means you can create even more content while spending less time on it. We all have limited time and energy, so repurposing content is one of the most efficient ways to leverage that time and energy. By repurposing your existing content, you can increase the number of times that it is seen by your target audience. Using different formats means you can reach people where they are most likely to pay attention. With so much competition for people’s attention, repurposing content isn’t just a great strategy — it’s a necessity. The trick is knowing how to do it well.
7 Ways to Repurpose Content for More Engagement.
Why Repurpose Content?
There are many different reasons why you might want to repurpose content. Here are just a few: – There are only so many topics you can write about before they start to get repetitive. By repurposing content, you can turn your top 10 or top 20 posts into 100 or 200 posts. – It’s hard to create fresh content all the time. Repurposing gives you the ability to keep creating new content even when you don’t have new ideas. – Your target audience isn’t reading every single post you create. Repurposing gives you a chance to reach those people and bring them back to your top posts. – People don’t have time to read all the posts you write. Repurposing your content gives you a chance to reach more people. – Your audience will thank you for making your content more accessible to them — and for making it easier for them to engage with your brand.

7 Ways to Repurpose Content to Increase Engagement
- There are many different ways to repurpose content to increase engagement.
- Here are a few of the most popular ways to do it:
- – Turn blog posts into emails. Create an email series based on your most popular blog posts. Emails are a great way to reach people who aren’t spending as much time online — and who may not be reading your blog posts.
- – Turn emails into blog posts. You can do this two ways: either create a blog post based on your most popular email content and include a link to the email in the post or create a series of blog posts based on your most popular emails.
- – Turn podcasts into blog posts. You can also create a blog post out of your podcast episodes — or even just the introduction and conclusion from your podcasts.
- – Turn videos into blogs or email series. If you’re creating videos, you can repurpose them as blog posts, too. If you prefer to write, you can also turn your videos into an email series.
- – Turn infographics and data visualizations into blog posts. If you’ve created an infographic or data visualization, you can repurpose it as a blog post. You’ll have to tweak it a bit to make it work, but it’s worth it.
- – Turn your best blog posts into books. If you have a top blog post that you want to reach even more people, you can turn it into a book.
Turn blog posts into books.
If you have a blog post that has done really well — you can turn it into a book. Depending on the topic, it might not even be necessary to do any extra research. The key to turning blog posts into books is to make sure that the content gets expanded and rewritten to book-length. That means thinking about how you can add more value to the post and how you can make it more relevant to more people. You can take your blog post one of two ways: you can either rewrite it to make it more book-like or you can expand on it and create a totally new book. If you’re rewriting your post, make sure that you’re adding enough content to make it book-worthy. Depending on the length of your post, it shouldn’t be a ton of writing.
How To Turn Your Blog Posts Into A Book: A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing.

How to self-publish a blog post as an e-book
- When you want to publish an e-book, one of the first things you need to do is decide what your e-book is going to be about.
- This may sound obvious, but it’s important to make sure the topic you select is something you’re passionate about and that fits with your brand.
- E-books can be written in a wide variety of formats.
- You may choose to create a step-by-step guide, an informative article, a narrative story or even a collection of poetry.
- It’s completely up to you. E-books can be published through a number of online platforms, the most popular of which is Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform.
- If you want to self-publish an e-book on the Kindle platform, you will need to make sure you have written your content in a format called Kindle-ready.
- This is a specific format that Kindle-ready e-books must be written in.
How to self-publish a blog post as a printed book
- If you decide to self-publish a printed book, the process will be a little more involved than publishing an e-book.
- To get started, you will need to decide on the length of your book.
- Printed books are traditionally between 10,000 and 50,000 words long.
- Ebook vs Printed books – Pros and Cons Printed books need to be formatted correctly before they can be published and distributed to bookstores.
- This means you will need to know how to use various publishing software, like Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word.
- These software programs help you format your book correctly so that it looks professional and is easy to read.
- Once your book is formatted correctly, you can submit it to different book publishers and distributors.
- You can also self-publish printed books on your own.
- If you decide to do this, you will need to set up your own publishing company and create a publishing contract with yourself as the author.

7 Ways to Repurpose Content for More Engagement.
Why you should write and publish an e-book?
- An e-book is a great way to grow your subscriber base and attract a wider audience to your blog.
- It’s also a fantastic way to make some extra money from your blog posts.
- E-books are a great way to make money from your blog posts because they can be sold to a wide audience.
- You might be surprised to find out that most e-book readers aren’t necessarily looking for fiction novels or non-fiction books about business. Instead, e-book readers are interested in almost everything, from hobbies and crafts to science, health and fitness.
- E-books are also a great way to make money from your blog posts because they allow you to scale your content.
- You don’t have to write a book to make money from your blog posts.
- But if you do decide to write a book, you can then sell that book to a wider audience.
- This means you can scale up your content and make more money from the same amount of work.
- E-books have the added advantage of being easily searchable.
- When you publish an e-book, your readers can easily find the information they are looking for again, even years down the line.
- An e-book can also help you acquire new customers.
- Some readers will download your e-book and never visit your blog again.
- When they’re ready to buy again, they might return to your website ready to make a purchase.
Why you should write and publish a printed book?
- Printed books are great for building your brand and establishing yourself as an authority in your field.
- If you write a printed book and publish it, readers will associate your name with your book.
- This can go a long way towards building your brand, especially if the book is successful.
- E-books are great, but printed books have one major advantage over e-books and that is their longevity.
- Printed books can stay relevant for decades and even centuries.
- E-books will be out of date and unreadable much more quickly.
- E-books can be read on a wide variety of devices and platforms, but printed books can only be read on physical books that you have to purchase and keep on your bookshelf.
- Printed books are also helpful if you’re trying to break into the publishing industry.
- They help editors and publishers take you seriously because they can see that you are capable of creating a high-quality product.

7 Ways to Repurpose Content for More Engagement.
4 Steps To Self-Publishing Your Blog Content As An E-Book
- As we’ve discussed, you first need to select a topic for your e-book.
- You may choose to write about your own life and experiences, or you could select a topic that’s relevant to your blog.
- Once you’ve selected a topic, the next step is to write your e-book.
- E-books are written in a variety of styles, but they are usually written in a way that is easy to read.
- This means you will usually write in an informal and conversational style.
- Your e-book doesn’t need to be a long and detailed guide.
- Instead, you can write a short guide or article that gives readers a taste of your knowledge and leaves them wanting to know more.
- Once you’ve finished writing your e-book, you will need to find a place to publish it.
- You can publish your e-book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, or you can publish it on your own website.
3 Steps To Self-Publishing Your Blog Content As A Printed Book
- Printed books are a little more involved than e-books, but they can also be a great way to grow your brand, generate interest in your website and make some extra money from your blog posts.
- The first step is to decide on a topic.
- Just like with e-books, you can write about your own life and experiences, or you can choose a topic that’s relevant to your blog.
- Once you’ve selected a topic, the next step is to write your book.
- Once you’ve finished writing your book, you’ll need to find a publisher to help you format and publish your book.
- This can be a bit of a challenge as most publishers won’t accept unsolicited manuscripts.
- Instead, you need to find a publisher that is actively looking for new authors.
Key Takeaway
In this article, we’ve explored how to self-publish your blog content as an e-book or printed book. We’ve discussed why you should consider writing an e-book or printed book, and we’ve explored the steps you need to take to self-publish your content.
Turn emails into blog posts.
Email is a great way to reach out to readers who might not be spending as much time on your site. However, your emails should be self-contained. You don’t want to lose readers who aren’t interested in your emails. If you have an email series that people seem to like, try turning it into a blog post. You can either create a blog post for each email or turn them all into one long series of blog posts.

Turn podcasts into blog posts.
- Lots of people love to listen to podcasts, but not as many love to read blog posts.
- If you’re finding that your podcast listeners are also your readers, you might want to turn your podcasts into blog posts.
- In this case, you’re going to want to create a totally new blog post based on the podcast episode.
- You can either use the content from the podcast or rewrite it so that it works better as a blog post.
How to Turn Your Favorite Podcast Into A Blog Post: The Best Tools and Techniques.
Blogging about your favorite podcasts is the perfect way to combine two of your favorite things. What’s more, creating blog posts about podcasts is a great way to boost your search engine optimization (SEO), drive traffic to your site, and grow your audience. After all, what better way is there to show that you are an expert on a particular topic than by writing blog posts about it? You see, while many people love listening to podcasts, not everyone is listening as often as they used to. And that means that if you want to draw traffic from Google searches and social media shares, you need to make sure you have everything packed into the blog post in order for it to show up under all the relevant tags when someone goes searching for them. Let’s take a deeper look at how you can do just that…
How to Create a Blog Post Out of Your Favorite Podcast
- When most people think about writing a blog post, they picture sitting down with a blank page, a pen, and a cup of coffee, and just letting the words flow out of them.
- While this may work for some people, for most others, it’s a recipe for frustration, writer’s block, and a post that may never get finished.
- Fortunately, there are lots of ways to brainstorm, outline, and write your blog post without having to stare at a blank page.
- If you’re someone who likes to organize your thoughts on paper, then you can start by jotting down a few key points about the podcast that you want to write about.
- You can even jot down the main points in a different order than they appear in the podcast if you want to mix things up a little.

7 Ways to Repurpose Content for More Engagement.
Choose the Right Tools
- The first thing you’ll want to do is choose the right tools to write your blog post.
- Different blogging and writing platforms have different features and functionality.
- Some are better suited for longer-form content, like research papers, while others are better for shorter content, like blog posts.
- You also want to consider the different tools that exist for creating content for your blog posts.
- Some tools are designed for collaboration, like Google Docs, while others are designed for writing by yourself, like Microsoft Word.
- Still others, like blogging tools like WordPress or Squarespace, are designed to do both.
- You have to ask yourself what works best for you and your workflow.
- If you’re someone who prefers working alone, likes having the ability to save your work offline, and likes to set word count goals, then a word processing program is probably your best bet.
- But if you’re someone who likes to be able to collaborate with other people and easily see what different people are working on, then a collaborative writing platform is right for you.
Plan Out Your Post
- After you’ve chosen the tools you want to use to write your blog post, it’s time to start planning it out.
- One of the most important things to remember is that no matter how long or short your blog post is, you need to let your readers know up front what they are going to get out of it.
- If you’re someone who likes to start with an outline and then write it out, then you can start by outlining your post and then filling in the details.
- If you’re someone who likes to write your post and then organize it, then you can start by coming up with a few key points that you want to cover in your post and then writing around those points.
Sum up the Podcast in a Sentence
- One of the first things that you need to do when you’re planning out your blog post is to figure out what your post’s headline should be, as well as its subheadings.
- This will help you organize your thoughts so you can write a clear and concise post that your readers will want to read.
- One of the best ways to do this is to start by writing a sentence that sums up the podcast you’re writing about.
- You can then use that sentence to organize your thoughts and make sure that everything you write fits around that sentence.
- This is particularly useful if the podcast you’re writing about is long and has lots of information packed into it.
Choose your biggest takeaways and write them down
- When you’re writing your blog post, you want to make sure that you’re choosing the right takeaways from the podcast.
- What are the most important lessons that you got out of the podcast that your readers need to know about?
- What are the things that you think will make the biggest difference in your readers’ lives?
- These are the things that you want to make sure you’re including in your blog post.
- If there are any specific quotes or statistics that you want to make sure you include, then make sure that you write them down and put them in your post.
- This way, you make sure that you include everything that you want to include in your post and you don’t leave anything out.
After You’ve Finished Writing
- After you’ve finished writing your blog post, it pays to proofread it and make sure that it’s as perfect as you can make it.
- After all, no one likes reading a blog post that is dotted with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
- So make sure that you carefully proofread your post and pick up any mistakes that you find.
- Once you’ve finished proofreading your post, you can start promoting it.
- You can share it on your social media accounts, and you can also email it to your subscribers.
- You can also look for guest posting opportunities on other blogs and magazines to promote your article.
- You can even approach podcasts whose content is similar to yours and ask if they would be interested in publishing your post on their website.
- This will not only drive more traffic to your blog, but it will also let your readers know that you are an expert in your field.
The Bottom Line
Blogging about your favorite podcasts is a great way to explore new topics, boost your SEO, and drive more traffic to your site. When you’re creating a blog post about a podcast, you need to make sure that you are picking the right takeaways and writing them down, that you’re picking the right tools, and that you’re planning out your post. Once you’ve finished writing your blog post, you can start promoting it to bring in more readers. In the end, blogging about your favorite podcasts is a great way to explore new topics and grow your audience.
Turn videos into blogs or email series.
If you’re creating videos, you can turn them into blogs. You might need to reword your video script a bit, but you can turn it into a blog post. If you prefer writing, you can turn your video into an email series. Repurposing your videos might require a bit more effort because you have to find a way to fit your video script into a written format.
How to turn videos into blogs or email series.
- Are you looking for ways to drive traffic to your blog?
- Do you want to make your videos work for you? Are you worried that your content is not good enough for a blog post or an email series?
- If yes, then keep reading. Creating blog posts and email series from your videos will help you attract more viewers and drive more traffic to your website.
- In this article, we will explore various ways in which you can turn your video content into engaging blog posts and email series that will benefit your audience and drive traffic to your site.
Basics of video blogging
- Video blogging is the act of creating and publishing short videos (usually around 3-5 minutes) that are directly related to your blog’s topic.
- If you already have a blog, you can use video to attract more traffic to it by repurposing your video content and creating new blog posts from it.
- Video blogging is a form of content marketing that’s on the rise thanks to the increase in mobile internet usage.
- People are consuming more media than ever before and businesses are taking note.
- Bloggers and marketers are using video to create engaging and accessible content that viewers will want to share with their friends.
How to turn your video into a blog post
- The general advice for turning your video into a blog post is to keep it to about 500 words.
- If you go over that length, you’re in blog territory.
- For example, if you’ve created a video about growing tomatoes, you could write a blog post that explains the best tomato growing tips and tricks.
- You could also add a “how to grow tomatoes” section in your existing blog posts.
- The challenge is that the message in your video is likely to be different from what you want to say in your blog post.
- You have to make it clear to your audience that you have something valuable to say and also give them a sense that they are getting something out of it.
Turn your video into an email series
- Email series are a great way to get more readers and subscribers on your website.
- One of the easiest ways to do this is by turning your video content into an email series.
- This process is almost similar to creating a blog post from your video content.
- You will have to keep your words to a minimum, and create an email with a title that will interest your readers.
- If you have a video on gardening and you want to create an email series from it, you could have a title like “5 simple tips to grow beautiful flowers”.
- Your email will be short and full of tips, tricks, and facts about gardening.
- Although the same rules apply for both turning blog posts and videos into email series, email series have a few advantages over blog posts.
Video transcription as a blog post
- If you don’t have the time or resources to create a new blog post, you can also turn your video into a blog post by creating a video transcript.
- This is a great tactic to attract new readers to your site, because it provides readers with a quick overview of your video.
- Many YouTubers create video transcripts so that those who don’t have the ability to watch videos can still benefit from their content.
- You can easily create a transcript by using any of the online tools/services.
- Alternatively, you can also use Microsoft Word.
- Follow the below steps to create video transcripts for your video content.
- First, watch your video and take notes about what you want to say.
- Next, start typing your transcript.
- You can use any of the online transcription tools to transcribe your video.
- Alternatively, you can also use Microsoft Word.
- Although video transcriptions don’t provide a detailed explanation of what you’re talking about, they do provide a quick overview of your video.
- This will help readers who don’t have time to watch your full video to get some value out of it.
Summing up
- Video blogging is a great way to attract more readers and build an engaged audience.
- However, to do this, you have to create engaging content that your readers will find valuable.
- Video blogging is not an easy task, but with proper research and planning, you can create amazing content and reap the benefits of it.
- Keep in mind that creating video content for your blog is a process, and you cannot expect to create an amazing video from the first try.
- Start small, create content that is focused and relevant to your blog topic, and build your audience from there.
Turn infographics and data visualizations into blog posts.
If you’ve created an infographic or data visualization, you can repurpose it as a blog post. You’ll have to tweak it a bit to make it work, but it’s worth it. The best way to repurpose your infographic or data visualization is to use it as a full-length blog post. You can also use it as a shorter blog post and use the images as visual links to take readers to the full version of the infographic or data visualization.
How To Repurpose Your Content: Turning Infographics & Data Visualizations Into Blog Posts!!
New blog post ideas can be hard to come by, especially if you’ve already exhausted your passion for a certain topic. Content repurposing is the technique of taking pre-existing content and presenting it in a new way that’s different from the original version. Content repurposing is useful because it allows you to use your existing content while still creating new blog posts.
When done effectively, repurposing content can also make your blog appear more dynamic and reduce the risk of “info redundancy” in which readers get bored with seeing the same types of posts over and over again. Repurposing content also helps you build a larger back catalog of blog posts that readers will want to return to again and again. But how do you know when a piece of content is right for repurposing? Here are some tips!

When to Repurpose Your Content
- One obvious reason to repurpose your content is if you’re running low on ideas.
- You might have written a great piece on the benefits of incorporating nutritional supplements into your workout routine, but if you only publish it once, you’ll only have one opportunity to share it with your readers.
- Repurposing your content also allows you to spread a single post out over a longer period of time, which is useful if you need more time to create a new post but don’t want to leave your readers hanging for too long.
- You should also repurpose your content when you have interesting data that you want to share, but the original format doesn’t lend itself to a post format.
- For example, if you want to share data visualizations like pie graphs or bar graphs, you might want to repurpose them into a blog post rather than a single-page infographic.
Choosing a format
- When you’re deciding which format to repurpose your content in, you want to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each format.
- Blog posts, for example, allow you to add images and links to your data, which makes them great for visualizing data that might otherwise be difficult to parse.
- However, blogging software often limits the amount of data you can use in a post, which means that you might need to break up a longer infographic into multiple blog posts.
- Similarly, visuals like infographics and data visualizations are great at quickly conveying large amounts of information, but they are much more difficult to update than blog posts.
- You can always repurpose a blog post into an infographic or vice versa, but other formats like videos or podcasts also make for viable options.
How to Repurpose Your Content
- When you’re repurposing content, the key is to change enough of the original so that it’s a new piece of content, rather than just a slightly modified version of the original.
- In general, you want to avoid repurposing using a copy-and-paste approach, but there are some exceptions to this rule.
- For example, if you have a blog post that’s over 1,000 words long and you want to break it up into two or three separate blog posts, you should take one section of that post, copy and paste it into a new document, and then edit it until it’s no longer a direct copy of the original post.
- Similarly, if you have a data visualization that’s too long to fit into a single blog post, you can copy and paste the whole thing into a new document and then edit it until it no longer reads like a direct copy-and-paste of the original.
Data Visualization Repurposing Ideas
- One of the easiest ways to repurpose your content is to make a data visualization out of pre-existing data.
- If you have a large data set that you already collected, you can create a data visualization that lets your readers explore the data more closely.
- Alternatively, if you’re writing a piece on a specific data set, you can create a data visualization out of that data and publish it as a standalone blog post.
- Data visualization is the most popular repurposing format today, and there are numerous ways to repurpose data visualizations.
- For example, if you’re writing a blog post about how millennials spend their money, you can create a pie chart or bar graph that shows millennials’ spending habits compared to other generations’ spending habits.

Infographic Repurposing Ideas
- Another popular format for repurposing content is to take a single infographic and break it up into multiple blog posts.
- Some infographics are so large that they’re too long to fit into one blog post, and taking it apart and repurposing it into multiple blog posts can make it easier for readers to digest the information.
- For example, if you have an infographic about the best exercises for runners, you can repurpose that infographic by breaking it up into three blog posts: one for beginners, one for more advanced runners, and one for expert runners.
Video Repurposing Ideas
- If you have a video that would work better as a blog post, or vice versa, you can repurpose it by transcribing the video and publishing the transcription as a blog post.
- Alternatively, if you’re writing a blog post and you want to include a video, you can take the video and transcribe it, turning it into written content that you can then include in your blog post.
- Some types of videos are easier to transcribe than others.
- For example, if you want to repurpose a video that’s primarily sound-based, you can transcribe the audio and then include the written transcription in your blog post.
- Alternatively, if you want to repurpose a video that includes visuals, you can take screenshots of the video and include those screenshots in your blog post, along with written captions to let readers know what they’re looking at.
Wrap Up
- There are many ways to repurpose your content, and it all comes down to the type of content you want to share!
- When you want to repurpose your content, make sure to change enough of it so that it’s a new piece of content, rather than just a slightly modified version of the original.
- That said, there are many benefits to repurposing your content, including the ability to use your pre-existing content while still creating new blog posts.
- When done effectively, repurposing content can also make your blog appear more dynamic and reduce the risk of “info redundancy” in which readers get bored with seeing the same types of posts over and over again.
Turn your best blog posts into books.
If you have a top blog post that you want to reach even more people, you can turn it into a book. Depending on the topic, it might not even be necessary to do any extra research. The key to turning blog posts into books is to make sure that the content gets expanded and rewritten to book-length. That means thinking about how you can add more value to the post and how you can make it more relevant to more people.

Switching up your publishing schedule.
- If you’re still finding that you aren’t reaching as many people as you’d like to with your repurposed content, consider switching up your publishing schedule.
- For example, you might want to repurpose one of your posts and publish it on a Monday.
- Then, you want to publish another post on Wednesday.
- When you do this, you’re reaching more people who don’t visit your site on a regular basis.
Switching up your publishing medium.
You can also switch up your publishing medium if you’re still struggling to find engagement with your repurposed content. For example, you could repurpose one of your posts and publish it as a podcast episode. Or, if you’ve already created a podcast, you could repurpose one of your posts and publish it as a video.
What to avoid.
- There are a few things that you should try to avoid if you’re repurposing content to drive more engagement.
- Don’t change the headline. Your headline is your reader’s first experience with your content. It’s how they decide whether or not to engage with your content.
- Don’t change the core message. The core message of your content is what gets people to click on the link and to share your content. Changing it, even slightly, will take away all the power that it has.
- Don’t skimp on the content. You want to make sure that you’re providing your readers with the same level of value that they find in your original content