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This former Deutsche Bank floor trader & coding genius gave me the key…

by Createebiz   ·  18th September 2021   ·  
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This former Deutsche Bank floor trader & coding genius gave me the key…
 Why I Stopped Preaching “Forex Education” And Embraced Automated Trading For 100% Per Month Profit

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See how this former floor trader finally cracked the code to create simple to use Artificial Intelligence trading & passive income for the home trader.

For years, I wasted a lot of time explaining to you why you needed to understand Forex to trade it.

I preached how you needed hundreds of hours, or a few months at least, of practice and education before you ever risked your own money for profit.

  This Year, I Threw All That Out The Window Because Here’s The Stark Truth

Nobody has the time or energy to learn the hard stuff of trading anymore. We’re all beyond burned out from going on two years of lockdowns, sickness, and death. We’re exhausted from raising and schooling kids while working full-time from home.

And most of all, we’re dead-tired of working our collective arses off for companies that have proven they don’t value us as people.

You are tired and you are right. I was wrong.

You need solutions that produce passive income, consistently, so I went looking for them.

And I found the only one I’ve ever seen that can do this for home traders…
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So, when I see something as extraordinary as actual learning AI for home traders that updates every five minutes…

That gives you as many as 15,400 winning trades in a year…
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You can watch this astonishing new AI in action on a new video, here.

And all you need to know how to do is hit CTRL C = CTRL V…
  No Education, No Research, No System Or Math Required…
You know I was all over that.

I spent a couple of months playing with it. Just throwing a few hundred bucks at a couple of trades a week… And you know what happened?

I made over $12,000 in profit in just over 8 weeks.

Sure, I’m an experienced guy, but I wasn’t even trying that hard to make a profit. This thing just delivers like gangbusters.

And just last month, it pulled a fantastic 102% profit and $10,292.02 in cold, hard cash…

With nothing more than CTRL C and CTRL V.

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See the full statements, trades, and live recorded video demonstration, here.

So, I was dead wrong, my friend. This “new normal” requires safe, consistent, passive income that takes only minutes a day to execute.

And this is it.

Click here to see how you could put this incredible new AI tool to work for you right now.

Traders from around the globe are singing the praises of the guy who finally perfected this AI trading miracle…
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$5,000 per week in income – if consistent – yields $260,000.00 in a year.

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